Thursday, June 10, 2010


Around her neck is a red scarf, and, although I was there when she bought it
It take me a while to recognise that it (and she)
Are familiar.
Because -more than a knot around her neck- she is La Parisienne.
That look, so serene that it's unexpected (and)
I expected different.

It's a lovely scarf, the kind that makes you feel warm just by looking at it,
Tree of Life, moral and cost effective.
Long enough to make a giraffe trip.

I do love that colour, she looks a lot like Snow White in her snow, bark and blood and it takes me a while to recognise that she (and it)
Are familiar.
Because -more than a traffic light flashing in the dark- she is paused.
Her attention, so focused I cannot regain (and again)
I expected different.


It's hard not to be annoyed, but hey, I'm a pretty self-absorbed person.
So I'm so focused on what's happening to me that all your happiness is just sliding off me and instead all I can see is everyone ever.
This is a stupid place to complain. This is just a blog.
Some piece of white screen so pixelated that nothing is even in focus. You're too bright. You're too white.
For Christ's sake get some ethnicity.
Don't talk to me about that.
I might become bitter...and lol, we wouldn't want that.

Monday, June 7, 2010


My shoulders are a steel bridge tensed, and it hurts and I'm tired and waiting for that orange light to blink.
Blink damn you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


It feels kind of like a balloon inflating in your chest. One that stretches and stretches until your mouth can't get any wider (a carnival clown) and all your limbs want to twist togther at once. You can feel the expansion inside you, pressing against your lungs so it gets hard to breathe, hard to speak.
I find it hard to concentrate because my skin feels like the membrane of a bubble and I wonder what it'll take to pop it.
There's nothing fun about watching a plastic sliver of monotone interaction -but imagination will suit (everything is perfect mockery there).

Stamps, Charms and Ticket Stubs

This is my new attempt at remembering the things that remind me of the past, make me glad to live in the present or hopefull for my future.
A collection of people, places, events and cloud catchers.
Maybe it'll stick this time?